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Do The Brave Thing Premium Bundle$88

Over $3500 worth of courses, templates & ebooks plus daily bonus raffles. (Save 97.5%)

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Grow with Groups by Jordan Schanda King - value $497

Automate to Dominate by Lisa Mulhern - value $309 

1 Month Access to by Amy Landino - value $57. 

Subscriber Strategy Workbook by Bev Feldman - value $50

 Pinterest Title Traffic Hacks for Bloggers by Carly Campbell - value $27 

Canva Design Hacks Bundle by Caroline Vencil - value $47 

Procrastination to Success Society by Cayce Eastwood - value $54 

The Kajabi Crash Course by Christina Rava - value $97 

Managing the Money in Your Business by Clarissa Wilson - value $150 

Goal Setting for Non-Planners by Dani Schnakenberg - value $75 

Profit Comeback by Debbie Gartner - value $47 

Trello Magic + 30 Social Media Posts by your host Kate Doster - value $24 

The Bookkeeping Template For Creatives by Dolly DeLong - value $27 

Product Promo Kit by Eden Fried - value $37 

Course Builder Box by Emily Walker - value $44

 Scared to Seen by Faith Mariah - value $197 

Site Savvy Bundle by Jessica Freeman - value $49 

The REAL DM Method by Jodi Rumack - value $97 

Start Selling With Sendowl by Karen Whitfield - value $17

 Pinterest Marketing Blueprint Mini-Course by Kate Ahl - value $47 

Ditch The Ish' Propel Your List & Get Rich by Kate Doster - value $47 

The Magic Formula for 6-Figure Summits Workshop by Krista Miller - value $97

 Tripwire in a Day by Leanne Scott - value $97 

Consistent Content Creation Summit All Access Pass by Liz Stapleton - value $49 

Just Presell It by Liz Wilcox - value $49 

Canva Logo Template Bundle by Maria Saracen - value $27 

Get Found Online by Michelle Pontvert - value $149

 Quick Win Workshop: How to Strategically Sell Digital Products on Shopify by Monica Froese - value $97 

From Challenge to Membership by Monica Monfre - value $29

 The Multipassionate Product by Naima Sheikh - value $47

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 Serve & Sell Your Digital Product Graphics Bundle by Nihaad Gamieldian - value $67 

3 Parts of a Profitable Pinterest Marketing Funnel Mini Course by Precious Rodgers - value $47 

The Funnel Formula: The Ultimate Playbook to Creating Effective Online Marketing Funnels by Rita Ester - value $197

 365 Content Calendar by Samantha Vlasceanu - value $37

 Mailing List Quickstart by Temima Gass - value $77

 Mini Course - Transform Your Business with Remarkable Clarity by Trisha Stetzel - value $297
